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What's This Challenge All About?
For the month of October, we are challenging ourselves to cut out one tempting treat from our diet to help us reach our health goals. Now, this isn't just some random food shoved in the back of your fridge; this is food or meal that you just have to have that is nowhere near your health goals. Embrace a healthier lifestyle and join your fit family at The Well in this exciting journey towards wellness and vitality.
You're Sabotaging yourself!
Ok, so we're a little dramatic, but there is truth to it. They say that you can't outwork a bad diet and it's true. Many of us have made changes to how we eat but there are a few favorites that are hard to get rid of. How much closer to your goals could you get with a change?
Get Past the Plateau
The first few pounds just fall off, but after a while, it takes a little more to keep up the momentum. What does more look like? Cutting the snacks that we know and love.
We're In This Challenge Together!
Making a life change is tough when you're going at it alone, but with friends holding you accountable, it's much easier. Join your fit family as we make October the month of change! The leaves are falling off and so are bad habits.
Strengthen your mind
It's hard to imagine a life without (insert your favorite food here), but trust us, you're not going to die! Your mind is strong enough to say no and your mind is strong enough to fight the cravings... if it's worth it to you!