is the class beginner friendly?
Absolutely! We were all beginners at one time or another!
To help people get started we have 3 levels of workout. Just starting out? Work out without a step to get the hang of the moves and get in a good workout. Ready for a challenge? Incorporate a step to push yourself even more. Ready to take it to the next level? Elevate your step with a riser to push it to the limit!
How Much Does This Cost?
It's Completely Free! (for your first class 😀)
At The Well, we make fitness affordable for every price point. We know you're going to love us after your first free week so we make it easy for you to continue on your journey.
Here are our 5 payment options!

Enjoy Your First Week Free! - Sign Up Below!
Pay Per Class - $10.00 per session
Basic Monthly Membership - $34.99 per month
Includes 4 classes per month​
Deluxe Monthly Membership - $59.99 per month
Includes 8 classes per month​
Premium Monthly Membership - $69.99 per month
Unlimited classes per month​